Jayden 十五个月大时生了一场病,完全没有胃口吃东西,喂他吃了,没两下又呕了出来,但是还是很好玩,好动。医生说是可能吃到外面肮脏的食物。这个情况维持了差不多两个星期,整个人瘦了下来。mummy 怀疑是要长大牙了,因为牙龈有敕敕的感觉。最后是在mummy的家乡中医看了说是肚子热气,所以吃了就会呕。吃了中医的药果然就好起来了,也开始会讨nie nie 了,也开始真正乖乖的每次自己拿奶瓶把奶喝完。不像之前,有时要半骗半推才把奶喝完。这个‘光头‘中医果然是很好。Jayden 也比较能接受中药,西药呢就很抗拒。
Jayden 从小就很喜欢和小孩子一起玩,尤其是海蓉姐姐,每次看到她都会要从背后抱 她,海蓉姐姐就很怕Jayden。杨婕姐姐说Jayden好本领,好像什么都会,因为Jayden 认识很多图片里的东西。mummy 偶尔也是会考考Jayden 有没有学会。Jayden 懂的东西如:
动物:dog, cat, lion, tiger, snake, rabbit, horse, zebra, elephant, bee, duck, chicken, fish
水果:durian, rambutan, apple, orange, strawberry, banana, papaya
东西:umbrella, ballon, shoe, car, watch, clock, pillow, color pencil, fork, spoon, fan, telephone, ball, handkerchief, televisyen, airplane
身体:eye, nose, tongue, hand, leg, fingernail, hair, teeth
动作:stand up, sit, sleep, bath, close eye, kick ball,
虽然Jayden 都懂得指出图片里的东西,但是却不会讲,目前只会说简单的如:daddy (叫di ), mummy ( 叫mi), 外婆(叫po), 外公 (叫gong), 宝贝(Jayden的抱枕),ballon ( 叫 be be), duck, clock, papaya (叫 papa), banana (叫 ba) , 开。最时常讲的是‘开‘及 ‘di‘。
mummy 也尝试很努力的要教Jayden A-Z 及数数目,但是Jayden 就是不想学。只是数目字,Jayden 会跟着mummy 念 1 ,2, 5, 8, 其他的Jayden还不会发音。ABC 呢就完全不要学。看来mummy要尝试用其他的用具了。
虽然会讲的很少,但是Jayden 却明白我们在说什么。有时mummy 和外婆用福建话交谈,奇怪的Jayden 也知道我们在说他,会即时给反应,真的让我们摸不着头脑。冲凉时,Jayden 会接手mummy 给他的衣服、手帕及dryers。 然后走去舅舅的房间等候我们开门,脱了衣服会拿手帕进冲凉房。冲好凉Jayden会把毛巾拿到该挂的地方。在舅舅的房里乱拿东西玩,mummy 会说舅舅打,Jayden 会指向舅舅的结婚照片人像做打手的动作。
Jayden 也会把垃圾丢进垃圾桶,有时没叫,他知道那个东西是要丢的Jayden 也会自动丢进垃圾桶(如喝完的yakult 罐)。
现在的Jayden 特别会叫人帮他做东西,Jayden 喜欢拉着 daddy 或mummy 的手指,然后要我们帮他,比如开罐、帮他扒痒。
这是Jayden 第一次尝试吃榴莲,Jayden 不是特别喜欢吃。但是蛮喜欢吃香蕉和木瓜。
Jayden 喜欢玩扫把、畚斗之类的东西,长大后不知会不会也一样喜欢帮忙mummy 做家务。哈哈。
Jayden 第一次看mummy 在理发店剪头发时,哭得很凄凉, 可能Jayden 以为别人要伤害mummy 。第二次是当mummy 在Dr Jason 那儿做产检的时候,也是哭得很大声,不知道的人还以为这儿是儿科呢。
2011 年新学年开始mummy 就把Jayden 送去新的保姆那儿,Jayden 哭了七天,第八天的时候嘴巴扁,然后和mummy good bye kiss。mummy 相当满意这个新保姆,因为她是很有经验的保姆,又和Jayden 说英语,希望Jayden 的英语会更进步。但是最希望的是把Jayden照顾得好,没有病痛是最重要的。
Monday, February 13, 2012
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Maybe you can let him learn baby sign to stimulate his speech development. Below is my website ^_^
Thanks for your info. I tink for Jayden case, he understand what are we talking about, just he cant speak out, he still need time to learn. For example, 开,at first he jz able to speak ' ka' instead of 'kai', but slowly we repeat many times later, he able to speak out 'kai' now. May b for those word with' ba, pa, ma, ka, di...'is easier for him, but for combination like' kai, guan, he still need some time to learn it. Just curios, how u teach your tao tao the ABC...i still do not have confident to teach him now as he showed no interest on ABC.
The main reason to teach Baby Sign is to let the babies/toddler to tell/express what they want, how they feel. As a parent, as long as we know what our kids need will reduce a lot a lot of frustration. This will not get our kids into tantrums and frustration. Just at the same time, baby sign will stimulate his speech development.
ReplyDeleteI think we need not to force them to learn anything they are not interested in before they are 4 years old. Just spend time with them will be the best for them.
About TaoTao, I show him the A-Z sign while singing the ABC song while I fetch him go&back from bb sitter house. Just in 2 weeks time, he can recognize my sign with the alphabet. That was surprise me as well.